Background of the program

Bringing together world-leading Norwegian companies for collaboration

The Norwegian maritime industry is a crucial sector in the Norwegian economy. It is built on a long and honorable history.

Today, the industry’s value creation remains high. The export value is significant. Nearly 90,000 people are employed in the sector.

Along the Norwegian coast, there exists a comprehensive maritime cluster. Among these there are several world-leading companies.

A well-functioning domestic market is essential for the development of these companies, which in turn lays the foundation for green maritime exports. The industry must create, test, and improve before it can export. Against this backdrop, and leveraging the opportunities presented by the maritime cluster, DNV initiated the Green Shipping Program in 2015.

The program was initially named the Green Coastal Shipping Programme. In 2019, the name was changed to cover a broader scope.


An offensive and effective industrial policy is necessary for a successful climate policy.

The current government’s cooperation platform aims to cut 55 percent of Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Shipping and fishing included.

The government also aims to increase Norwegian exports, excluding oil and gas, by 50 percent by 2030.

The United Nations’ International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted an ambition in the summer of 2023 for zero emissions for international shipping by 2050, highlighting the importance and global market opportunities.


These ambitious goals express a clear need for knowledge in shaping new frameworks.

An assessment of the necessary transitions to achieve the goals unfortunately reveals that the pressure for change is too low. The progress in reducing emissions is not advancing quickly enough.

The integration of zero- and low-emission ships into the fleet and in the orderbook (ordered ships) is insufficient to keep pace with the goals.

There is one exception: The ferry sector. Here, the results are very good. Norway is leading the way and setting an example for the rest of the world.


    The Green Shipping Program (GSP) is about sustainable logistics solutions, profitable emission reductions, green jobs, increased competitiveness and exports, and taking an international leadership position.


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